
Monday, November 29, 2010

{Invitations} Holiday Kiddie Party

I'm throwing a little holiday party for my nephew Jack, niece Maura, and son Dean. It's really just an excuse to have my sister {and her kidlets} over for lunch since I rarely spend time with any of them anymore :-{ Praying, praying, praying for an opportunity for their family to make their way back to New Jersey after living in Virginia for the last three years.

I've got some little crafts planned to keep Jack busy while us girls {my mom too!} have lunch. And I'll be creating a holiday cookie bar for everyone to munch on.

Funny how things change...last year I threw a Christmas cocktail party with a specialty martini and now this year I'm throwing a cookies & crafts party for the kids. What a difference a year makes! Wouldn't trade it for the world :-}

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