
Monday, December 6, 2010

{Inspiration} She's About to "POP" Baby Shower

Look at this BEAUTIFUL baby shower created, customized, and executed by Jessica of Pen&PaperFlowers! Jessica does exquisite work...always fresh, clean, simple, and unique with a flare that only she has. She is one of my daily inspiration will find a link to her blog on my sidebar.

I love her use of plates on the wall to duplicate the look of bubbles that was originally used on the invitation. So clever!

This theme could easily be translated to a bridal shower...the bride is about to POP with excitement! Add a little bubbly {aka champagne}, which would tie in perfectly with the bubbles on the invitation, and you've got yourself a classy little event.

I also appreciate all of Jessica's creative touches and the play on words for the menu items. LOVE EVERYTHING!

Thank you Jessica for some serious inspiration!

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