
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

{Random} Dreaming of...

...SPRING -- in a big way. These sunny flowers from my husband kickstarted my fantasies of warmer days. And the weather we've had these past few days has been no help....major tease {I did love it though}!

Work, work, work BUT a week of wonderfulness ahead:

~ a special Valentine's dinner & dessert with my boyfriend tonight {a day late but better late than never, right?!}
~ more beautiful weather in the coming days
~ 1/2 way through my grad school clinical this week, which means the end is finally in sight!!!
~ a 4 day weekend...thank you Lord!
~ Dean's first birthday party!
~ AND...Spring really is just around the corner ;-}

Have a lovely Tuesday friends. **Make it a great day or not...the choice is YOURS!

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