
Friday, March 4, 2011

{Inspiration} Super Cute BOY Party

Now that I'm the proud Mama to a sweet little one-year-old boy, I'm constantly on the hunt for adorable boy party ideas. There are plenty of really sweet girly party ideas out there, and I can think of a bunch off the top of my head that I would love to throw if I have a little girl of my own one day. BUT -- the boy party ideas aren't as plentiful. So, when I stumbled across this cute golf party set-up on TomKat's blog, I fell in love. I love the bold, fun colors -- especially loving the bright green now that it's almost spring! And how about the argyle? LOVE it! It's a little preppy, very boyish, and right up my alley.

I know I'm talking boys here, but I couldn't leave out these new girly collections/parties TomKat Studio also created. Loving the cherry picnic theme! Check out her full post here.

Have I mentioned lately that Kim of TomKat currently has my DREAM JOB?!?!?! Styling dessert tables, creating adorable, fun children's party collections, and serving as a contributer to popular sites like HGTV, Project Nursery and more...ahhhh....THE LIFE!!!

***By the way, if you have a minute, check out Catch My Party today -- Dean's Little Mister Mustache Bash was chosen as one of the "Parties of the Day"!!!

IT'S FRIDAY -- WOO HOO! Have a great weekend!

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