
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

{Random} Class of 2011

I have loved Bakerella's little candy cup graduation caps since I first laid eyes on them a while back but just didn't have an occasion to make them. That is until this past Sunday ;-} I graduated with my master's degree in school counseling from Wilmington University!!!!!!

I wanted to use the caps as favors for our parents who were all coming to my graduation and joining us for a celebration dinner after the ceremony. So, I made favor tags to attach to each. They matched the graduation invitation I made and sent out a few weeks before {Subway Art Style}.

Because I had to transport these little guys, I wrapped each in a clear cellophane bag, tied with ribbon and attached the little tag.

Wilmington's colors are green and white, which explains why you're seeing a lot of it in this post...

The only thing I forgot was the little colored chip for the top of the cap -- oh well -- they served their purpose regardless and everyone loved them. Such a cute addition to any dessert table or graduation party!

Just a few quick pics from my graduation :: Exiting the stage with diploma in hand!

Trying to find my family in a sea of green and white {they could see me apparantly as my father-in-law snapped this pic unbeknowst to me!}.

Family pic -- Dean was not exactly cooperating so this was the best one we got -- ha!

Wannabe graduate ;-}

We had dinner at the Iron Hill Brewery, which we were able to walk to from the location of the ceremony {Chase Center}. This was a really cool brewery, served yummy food, and was right on the river -- will definitely be going back again!

**I took the day off yesterday to decompress a little, run a few errands, and hang out with my little mister. Ahhh, so nice and a preview of the summer fun and relaxation coming my way in about a month -- thank goodness!!!!


  1. Love the grad shots..I miss your fb pics:( You will have to send me some of Dean. I cant wait to see him already.

  2. Thanks, Bec. I miss J & M, too. Everytime I listen to the Mr. Sun song that I would sing to Maura, I get all sad :-{ Come home!
