
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

{Invitations} Adoption Shower

My brother and his wife are adopting two brothers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in a month -- AHHH! This has been a long time in the making, and we are all so excited for them. My mom is throwing them a little shower in the next two weeks to celebrate and welcome the boys into our family, so I whipped up some invites for the occasion.

I used boyish colors, simple fonts, and...

...crafted a blue/green "world" with Africa in the center.

Rob and Jane would like to bring some items with them to the orphanage where their boys have been, so I included an additional enclosure asking our guests to consider making a donation for these children and workers that have so very little.

**I'm working on some details for a dessert table now. I'm hoping it turns out the way I am envisioning in my head. STAY TUNED!
**My little mister is going to pre-school this year, and I'm putting together a little gift for his teacher, whom I've already met and really like! Not a gift per say, just a little something. POSTING SOON!
**I've also got my baby girl's first birthday on my mind. It'll be here before I know it {November}, and I've got to get MOVIN' on some of the details!
**My hubby and I planned a mini-getaway for this fall, and I'm so excited! We are headed to the city of Charleston, South Carolina. I NEED this!
**Soaking up the last of summer, but also looking forward to the fall at home with my sweet babes :-}

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting for your family! Prayers for safe travels and more on this upcoming journey!
