Hallelujah for weekends. Time away from work, time to spend with my boys and extended family, time to relax, time to grab a few extra zzzz's {if I'm lucky ;-}, time to get caught up on things around the house that go by the wayside during the busy work week, etc.
Hopefully the weather will break for good in the next month, and playing outside in the warm spring sun will be entertainment enough, but until then, we are always on the lookout for things to keep our active two-year-old interested, educated {it's the teacher in me}, and entertained. Adventure Aquarium it was this weekend.
Amazed by the "fishies" in the big tank :-}
Working on our colors while looking at these pretty, bright, and blurry fish...haha.
Philadelphia skyline just outside the Aquarium.
**One thing my weekend was not? Productive. Oh well, one of those every now and again is soooo refreshing.
**I'm thankful it's March. You? March means a lot of things but mostly that spring is just around the corner!!!
**Starting another grad class tonight....7 more weeks of nights away from my family, writing papers, studying, etc. YUCK.
**Happy Monday?!?!
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